Elektra ...

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Elektra movie poster Elektra the Assassin - by Frank MillerWe went to see the movie "Elektra" on Saturday night - a movie I had eagerly anticipated being a fan of the comics (hmmm... graphic novels?) Anyway, the movie was overall enjoyable but I still have the nagging feeling that they aren't quite getting the character right. Don't get me wrong - I really liked Jennifer Garner as Elektra but I always felt the character was more angry, more bitter than how she portrayed her. And why not? The story of Elektra is based on hate and revenge so it makes sense that she should be angry, bitter, gritty.
I am really getting drawn to martial arts movies - especially ones where chicks kick butt. This film was very much centred around the strong females - the older, more-experienced warrior and the young protege. Although enjoyable the plot seemed bare, thin in parts, like the story wasn't given the time to develop fully.
Still, worth it to see. 4 stars out of 5.

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