rolling up the 2

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So 25 cups of coffee and a couple of sore thumbs later - I'm the proud winner of (drumroll please) a muffin of my choice. Yee-freakin'-haw! Do I sound a little bit sour? Hmmmm? Meanwhile, D has been winning all kinds of stuff (donuts, coffees, cookies...sheeesh.) Meh - whatever; I would've had the coffee anyway so a free muffin is just a bonus, I guess. Well, maybe the next cup will be the plasma TV or honkin' big truck...

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I have one a grand total of one coffee.

I was sure I wrote "won"...

Hi Miriam - yes, the winnin's are pretty slim this year. Over the weekend I got another coffee and won a cookie - so I think the Cups:Wins ratio is now something like 28:2!

I don't use my thumbs unless I am out somewhere; I drink most coffee in my office, where I cut the rim with scissors. If I am not going to win, at least I'm not going to get blisters!

Updated total: one coffee and one doughnut.

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