Ahhhh, Friday....

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...Finally, the weekend is here. Sweet!
Just to bring you up to date - the last couple of days have been spent (mostly) on preparing and migrating our blogs over from MT2 to a new installation of MT3. It's been a bit of a chore but thanks to Shawn (the database guru) I think we've managed to move it all - that's some 26 blogs in all. Heck, I'm impressed. So, just a bit more cleanup and stuff and we should be back up and running, yay.

And now, I just want to comment on John Oxton's article about CSS flags and find using selection (who was commenting on Doug Bowman's post about flags) both very excellent reads. I believe that documenting your work, flagging your code however you want to put it not only makes sense for the individual (reading through your own stuff can be torturous at times) but it's also essential if you're working in a team situation. I'm sure there are some coders out there who shudder at the thought of adding extraneous material to the pure stylesheet - but man, are we not way past the era of obsessing about the cost of computer time? Surely, the savings in productivity far outweigh the savings in bandwidth. Leave a legacy - document your work.

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1 Comment

I couldn't agree more! People are to anal about a few KB's of bandwidth. lest we forget there are still many nesting tables and spacing with gifs! :)

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