AUCTC conference - Day 1

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It took about 4 hours to drive from Saint John to Wolfville, NS and the drive was fairly pleasant - no rain. One of our first stops was for lunch at Paddy's Irish Pub.
Paddy's Irish Pub
The afternoon sessions were roundtable, birds of a feather sessions and I attended the Web Content Management Systems. Lots of interest in the Atlantic universities of coming up with a solution/strategy for content management. Many are either using Contribute already or are evaluating it for rollout. After the session a few of us were commenting on the importance of usability / user experience and have decided to try to set up a usability conference in our region, hopefully for early 2006. This will be awesome.

The afternoon keynote was given by Steve Giles, Canadian Olympic Bronze medallist (canoe) in Athens. His talk was on performance, goal setting, and motivation. Good speech, good points.
Steve Giles

In the evening we all went to Dooley's for pool and beer. Unfortunately, people are allowed to smoke indoors in public places here after nine pm. Ugh! But the evening was a lot of fun.

Now - off to breakfast and more sessions!

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