friday - finally....

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Man, what a crazy week! I almost can't believe it's actually Friday. It's been so nuts that I'm really regretful that I didn't get to the club this week to train but I was feeling pretty crappy this week. I did get a run in last night though which makes me feel a little better about missing training this week. In fact, I'd like to increase my running but I'm not sure if I should run more times a week or run longer. At first I was thinking that I should try to run at least 3 times a week, but now I'm thinking why not run longer but twice a week? That might be a more do-able goal for me at the moment if I'm also trying to maintain two nights a week training at the fencing club. And it's endurance I'm trying to work on so perhaps longer runs might help.

No, I'm not fanatic about exercise but I think it's one thing that's keeping me somewhat sane. For me, there's nothing like the feeling of running and letting go of the day; I visualize the crud that's stressing me out just peeling off and falling away behind me - and that just feels liberating. With fencing, I enjoy the training. I like demanding lessons, ones where you sweating as much from concentrating as from physical exertion. Hey - and I like when I win the bouts, well come on - who doesn't?

So it's Friday and now I'll have to plan for next week. And next week I'm at a conference in Nova Scotia for 3 days - I doubt I'll be getting any running in there, and it'll mean no fencing either since it kind of spans my training days. Hmmmm...and hmmm again. So, maybe I'll try to get in a longer run tomorrow, and one on Thusday next week and that might have to do.

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