tiger installation update...

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Over the past few days I've noticed that Tiger doesn't seem to want to play nice with my epson 740 printer in my office. It's not a huge problem and I've made do by printing stuff to a networked printer in the office next door, or waiting until i got home and printing stuff out there. Having a few spare minutes today I decided to wrangle tiger into being a nice kitty and printing to my office printer thereby eliminating the need for me to actually get up off my butt and walk the ten steps or so next door to retrieve my printouts. A bit of googleing on the problem led me to this Apple knowledgebase note - apparently removing and adding the printer directly from the printer utility is not enough...who knew? All is well now and printer is happily chugging out printjobs again.

On a side note and somewhat more alarming, Retrospect 5 no longer works on Tiger.

"Retrospect 5.x and Mac OS X Tiger - EMC Dantz does not recommend running Retrospect 5.x or Retrospect Client 5.x on Mac OS X Tiger. If you do so, you will experience all the issues listed above, as well as the following issues (which can all be resolved by upgrading to Retrospect 6.0)"
(many issues listed above and below :P)

Yikes! So it looks like I'll be upgrading to 6 in order to resume backing up my system.

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