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Finally - we're back in business. The phone guy came to the house yesterday and got our service hooked up again. To be honest, we were getting used to not having a land line - but not having DSL was the real killer. It's like having a lifeline severed. But all is well now, no more waiting for the service techs and that's a relief. Lesson learned: we found out that first thing in the morning actually means sometime between 8am and 4pm...maybe.

So communications aside, it's Labour Day here in Canada which is observed as a statutory holiday. Now how surprised was I to open my email this morning to find co-workers emailing me with work-related requests. Suddenly I was thinking omg what day is it today??? I was like "this is a stat holiday right? or did that change and I not get the memo?" I was honestly worried for a second. One even opened with "hope you enjoyed the long weekend". This at 10:00 am. I had to laugh - hell it's not over yet. Geez - it kind of makes me feel like a slacker but I hope they don't mind that I won't be working today - well on work stuff anyway.

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