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...somewhat. We've been without phone service at home since last Thursday and it's driving me absolutely mad. No actually, what's driving me mad is that our DSL is out too. Thankfully we have cell service and have been blistering the airwaves to the phone company who just managed to restore DSL service (hence my rant), but still no phone service. This after speaking with about 9 different individuals and a manager. We're patient people but this seems a little excessive. To be fair, of course it's not the call-centre workers' fault; nor the technicians (i think), nor the linesmen but there seems to be a breakdown in internal communications (how ironic) and coordination. This company, the fourth largest telecommunications company in Canada, is pushing hard at being a leader in innovation, but service seems to be falling by the wayside, judging from other complaints that I've heard. And because this is a long weekend I'm now left wondering if we'll even get phone service back before Tuesday - I kind of doubt it. This exercise has been a little more frustrating that it needs to be but at least the phone company threw us a bone and offered us 4 months off our phone bill and a month of mobility. We'll take it thank you very much, but I'd rather have my phone working in a reasonable amount of time and not have to go through an endless runanround to get some service.

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