productive meetings ...

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via 43 Folders: 9 tips for running more productive meetings.
Yes, the words productive and meetings can be found in the same sentence together. I have to say that of the many meetings I go to in the run of a week (both professional and personal) most of them are quite productive. In fact, it's a bit of a rarity (although not impossible) for me to find myself in a meeting where I just want to stick pins in my eyes. Apparently, from the complaints I've heard - that's not the case for others. But in addition to the invaluable information found at the above link, Point number 4 (No electronic grazing) just about killed me. I hadn't heard that term before and the mental picture I derived from it was priceless.

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Snap! You scooped me... I was going to blog this too. 43 Folders is an excellent site.

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