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jpod_jacket.jpgI finished reading jPod by Douglas Copeland last night and can highly recommend it as a laugh out loud read. I just couldn't put it down. I'm pretty sure this is the first novel I've read by him (having missed Microserfs many years ago) and I'm pretty sure it won't be the last. jPod is Seinfeld (set in todays technology machine) crossed with Clerks (for angsty, dissatisfied with their lives 20 somethings) crossed with Dilbert's cube farm hijinks and with some other really weird stuff thrown in to glue the storyline together. It's told in a style of fast cuts and stream-of-consciousness interstitials which moves the story along quickly. I rather like the characters and, working in this industry, have probably seen at least a few of their types (possibly sometimes in the mirror ;) ). Well worth the read - but be warned, you'll want to finish it in one sitting.

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Can I borrow your copy? I can loan you "Microserfs", "Generation X", and "Life After God" in return (assuming I can find them... :-)

Hi Ben,
OK - I'll bring it with me to Fredericton on Thursday. I was actually thinking of recommending it to you after I was done with it. Scary.

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