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Wow, what a week! Why is it that the short weeks (Canada had Monday off for Victoria Day) always seem the most jam-packed? It's getting to the point where I approach a long weekend with trepidation because I just know what's waiting on the other end of the holiday. Thankfully is mostly all good this week, just really really busy. A colleague asked me once when did I find the time to write articles for my blog? I laughed and replied I don't - which is why the posting is so sporadic. Well now that tv's done the season enders, time suddenly freed up in the evenings so I expect I'll be able to devote more time to producing some articles instead of vegging on the couch. But two evening are set aside for training at the club. We'll see how it goes. I also want to overhaul this site and get it up to standards. I had originally created this site as an experiment and to get to know the Movable Type templates better. I'm pretty comfortable hacking the templates now and should really create a better version. Again - we'll see. I might be able to get creative again one of these days. Options, options - I might even shut this site down and start a different one from scratch. I don't know - I'll have to sit down and make a plan. Ah - enough for now. I'm off for home and the only plan I have is to see X-Men 3 tonight. The weekend awaits.

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