hard disk madness ...

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I wonder how many people can say they suffer hard disk failures on a regular basis? I can, I can! Hmmmph, this has to be the third failure on a work machine (2 macs, 1 pc) within the past 3 years or thereabouts - and it's a doozy as it's on my primary machine, a 17" mac powerbook. Yes, yes, I do have a backup but it's probably at least a couple of weeks old. Of most irritation at the moment is the 5 hours of work I lost on some CSS I was coding up yesterday. So here we go again, I'll be working on my testing machine (using XP) until the silver beast is repaired. I guess it's just as well that I'll be off to a conference on Sunday so I won't really be needing it for a while. Still - what is it about the environment here that makes the hard disk just up and die??? Very annoying.

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Interesting. We've had many such failures on Mac Powerbooks up here at CEL recently. Same with Ghislain in Chemistry. I think he's had two HDs go belly up in the last six months. Not good, big hassle, eh? --Joss

Joss - you have no idea! I took the beast to the tech shop in Fredericton this morning and the hdd is pretty much toast. Actually, Ivan said there was green fuzzy stuff growing on the controller card and had corroded right through it --- ewwww. Something must have leaked in my carry bag because I don't recall spilling anything on it other than a tiny spatter of coffee yesterday which was quickly wiped off. Anyway - the leak had to be more than 2 weeks or so ago in order to grow fuzzy and eat through the card. Henceforth all containers of liquid-y substance shall be hermetically sealed (two layers of plastic) before being tossed into any pocket of my carry bag.

That´s the first time that I have heard about such a hardware matter. It never happens to me. I´m using the G4 - and an older Powerbook - no problems since 3 Years. :-)

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