coming up for air...

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Well I'm not dead but I have been freaking buried at work lately and this has been the first chance I've had in a bit to actually come up for air and post a little something on my blog. Suffice it to say that I'm extremely hopeful I'll be getting some extra hands to help out with the work here soon.

Yesterday the CSS Mastery book arrived from Amazon and it looks like I'll be doing some reading over the weekend, maybe - they're forecasting hot, sunny weather all weekend so I might geek out and bring it with me to the beach :-) The book Human Factor: Revolutionizing the Way We Live With Technology is on backorder so it should ship out sometime in August. That one looks really interesting. Eventually I will have all the books on my "to buy" list :-)

Now that I finished off the project that's been consuming me for the past couple of weeks (I'm becoming quite the expert in re-templating Moveable Type to integrate with existing websites) , today I plan on getting my inbox back into some semblance of sanity (300 emails is 280 too many in the inbox), taking care of some support tickets that have been languishing in the queue and some other admin stuff that has been neglected. I'm also going to be setting up a wiki for our team at work to use as a procedures manual/patterns library kind of thing. I need to plan that out a bit before getting started on it. Lots to do - I better get started.

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