for the love of god... ban microwave popcorn

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if you hate your co-workers microwave some popcorn right now
I sit here in my office, zoned into the project I'm working on while blissfully listening to Imogen Heap when the malordorous tendrils of microwave popcorn waft down the hallway. If there's one thing that distracts the hell out of me it's the nauseating smell of (overcooked) microwave popcorn. And let me just mention that I work in a trailer (yup - a double wide carved into offices), with like 8 bathrooms down the hall (which add their own pleasant aroma to the area on occasion) and I've just found out there's some kind of mold in my office (offgassing a lovely musty smell as it eats through whatever it's embedded in and spores dancing merrily through the air). Throw some gag-riffic microwave popcorn into the mix and I'm about ready to puke. Please! Ban this insidious snack "food". Right Now!


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I feel your pain! There ought to be a law against overcooking popcorn. It happens here at least once a week. And we're supposed to be a "scent free" workplace! Hrumph. :)

Tell me about it! My office is right opposite the kitchen area. Popcorn is not as much a problem as hot lunches. Awwk!

i threw up on a co-worker because of microwave popcorn

What a bunch of pussies. Suck it up!!

They should ban Imogen Heap from the workplace. Oh and also whining.

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