omg the iPhone.. the iPhone!!!

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the Apple iPhoneWhat a sweet, sweet device! I've often commented how nice it would be to have an all-in-one handheld rather than needing some sort of tech devices bandolier to accommodate phone, ipod, pda, etc. Yes, I know there are Treo's and Blackberries - but the iPhone is like someone just went "hey man, what would you want to be able to do with a handheld device?" and just made it happen. This is convergence at it's sweetest. The iPhone converges the iPod video, a cellphone, a digital camera, and wireless web into one sleek device with all functions accessed by touchscreen. Hmmm, this is going to be one device that will almost certainly require screen protectors if you want to keep the screen in mint condition. Checking out the demos on I noticed the interface seems quite intuitive (no surprise there) and I just love that the device know to present information in portrait or landscape mode depending on how you turn it around. Outstanding.
It's definitely going to be my must-have device for 2007.

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